Top 10 plants for increasing oxygen indoors

Top 10 plants for increasing oxygen indoors.
If you or your loved ones are suffering from chronic obstructive lung diseases, the need for oxygen is so indispensable. Although there are artificial options for increasing oxygen through means such as oxygenators and air purifiers, the natural remedies for this requirement would be really satisfying.

Top 10 plants for increasing oxygen indoors

Heres a list of the top 10 plants for increasing oxygen indoors and these plants not only release oxygen day and night, but also absorb Toxic gases like formaldehyde, benzene and others.
Top 10 Indoor oxygen producing plants
Scientifically, this happens through Crassulasian Acid Metabolism (CAM) type of photosynthesis can produces oxygen in night. Normally for Oxygen to be release there has to be photosynthesis which occurs only in the presense of light whether natural light or your indoor lights. Here is the list of these plants:

1. The Areca Palm: Its an indoor plant and does well in filtered light or bright indirect light. It needs to be watered often. For One Person, Keeping 4 such plants of about 3-4 feet height in your room can provide best results.

2. Snake Plant also known as Mother-In-Laws Tongue or Sanseviera plant: This plant is very hardy plant and can tolerate any light
Snake plant producing oxygen indoor
Conditions and also requires less watering like weekly once or max twice. For One person, 6 to 8 plants are recommended for best results.

3. Money Plant: This am sure all of us are aware of its care tips. It prefers indirect light and needs to be watered
Money plant as indoor oxygen producers
once a week or twice a week. For one person, three plants of atleast 18 inches are recommended.

4. Gerbera Daisy or Orange Gerbera (Gerbera Jamesonii): This is a beautiful flowering plant unique for its ability to release lots of oxygen at night. Particularly very beneficial for those suffering from sleep apnea and breathing disorders like kids with adenoids and other similar disorders. The only drawback is it is a flowering plant and needs sunlight specially in its flowering season that is spring and summer. Also it needs daily watering. What you can do is, shift the plant to sunlight daily or alternate days for best results.

5. Neem Tree: This is a good option if you have your garden just across your bedroom window and keeping a neem tree close to the window can be a good option.
Neem tree for indoor oxygen
6. Aloe Vera: This can be easily kept indoors in your bedroom. They are easy to care and require very less watering and do well in direct light or shade. You can keep about 4-6 plants in your room for best results.
Aloe Vera plant for indoor oxygen
7. Christmas Cactus: This is a succulent and easy to care plant which needs less frequent watering and does well in indirect bright light.

8. Orchids also release oxygen during the night time though in small amounts.
Tulsi indoor oxygen producers
9. Peepal Tree :that is Ficus Religiosa or the sacred fig where the great Gautam Buddha achieved enlightenment according to buddhism: This tree has really interesting facts and myths. People often believe sleeping at night under this tree, you will be found dead in the morning. Sounds funny. Some say this is the tree which release loads of oxygen during day and loads of carbondioxide at night and hence sleeping under this tree will kill the person due to suffocation from excess carbondioxide. Actually this is not true. The peepal tree releases oxygen in the night too, though in smaller amounts.

10. Tulsi / Holy Basil- like similar to neem tree . you can plant these just outside your bedroom window.
Tulsi as indoor oxygen producers

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